Toyota Prepare the Navigation Application for Nintendo DS

Toyota created a navigation application for the Nintendo DS game console users with the name of the Kuruma de DS, that is, use the DS in the car. Niintendo DS can be used as an integrated navigation in cars made by Toyota.

To keep the safety, Toyota confirmed that this application is used only for passengers and not drivers. By activating the "Kuruma de DS 'various navigation functions can be performed, for example, inserting the destination, shows a map and information on the area through which the cars.

For those who still play Nintendo in the car, Bluetooth connectivity allows the sound produced by the console out of the cabin speaker. So children who are behind can be more fun to play! In addition, car speedometer can also look at the DS console.

The navigation application is marketed exclusively in Toyota's sales network in Japan are sold in two parts: "Smart Navi" is 206 850 yen and 7329 yen for Kuruma de DS. It includes the unit price of the Nintendo DS!

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